Diamond Tome Crystal-Free Microdermabrasion is a non-invasive skincare procedure that uses a diamond encrusted wand to gently remove dead skin cells making your at home skin care products work more effectively (*). With little to no downtime, microdermabrasion is a great treatment to gently polish your skin while stimulating collagen and elastin leaving your skin with a healthy glow (*). It is an excellent procedure to combine with other anti-aging treatments such as photo-rejuvenation and chemical peels.
What To Expect
- Results are immediate.
- Mild redness without any significant downtime (*).
- Reduces the effects of aging by softening lines, evening and toning skin, improving acne scarring, tightening pores, extracting blackheads and white heads and reducing light brown discoloration (*).
- Microdermabrasion is especially helpful in treating keratosis pilaris (clogged pores of the upper arms) (*).
Areas That May Be Treated
- Face
- Neck
- Back
- Arms
- Chest
- Back
Contraindications To Treatment
- Sunburn in the treatment area.
- Active acne, cold sore or shingles in the area of treatment.
- History of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation or melasma is a relative contraindication as microdermabrasion may worsen these conditions.
- Chemical peel within 2 weeks of treatment.
What To Do Prior To Treatment
- Refrain from sun exposure a week prior to treatment.
- Refrain from using Retin A or exfoliants for three days prior to treatment.
What To Do After Treatment
- Use a daily SPF of 30 or greater and refrain from sun exposure for 1-2 weeks after treatment.
- You may resume your normal skin care routine typically within one week.
- Chemical peels should not be performed in the treated area for at least 1-2 weeks.